Entries by Dahlia Canny

Prahara Rumah Tangga Orang Tidak Dikenal

Gue ketemu blog temen dengan domain .com juga tapi kontennya bermanfaat seketika membuat gue malu pada diri ini yang isi blog nya curahan hati tidak berbobot. Kadang gue mikir, gue ini bisa apa sih sebenernya? Dulu si gue ngerasa keren punya blog dengan domain .com, gue publish url blog disetiap social media yang gue punya. Tapi sekarang kok […]


Its almost 2 AM now on weekdays. I have to get up and off to work this morning. I can’t sleep because… I have something in my mind. PLUS i drank coffee at 5 PM so ya, thanks. If you read this. Please. Just read. Don’t tell. I have no idea who’s going to be […]

Hi There

Hello there. Been a looong time huh? I have no time to write but I miss you. A lot of things inside my head now. Working almost 12 hrs on weekdays, figuring out what to do during weekends. And today is Sunday so I think it’s time to sum up what happened for my past […]

The Next Level of Gabutness

Sebuah zodiac menyatakan “Seorang Aquarius.. Wait. Aku kayanya udah ketularan Aiyuni sang Libra Girl yang percaya dengan ramalan zodiac. “Tapi ken, zodiac gue sama dia tu udah cocok banget…”, she said. And I was like “…… o…k…e…” Well, kita lanjutin. Bukan suka ngebaca tapi ya tiba tiba nongol dimuka tulisan begini “Seorang Aquarius adalah orang yang suka akan hal-hal […]

A Little Boy Named Wojtek

There was a little boy, Woytek – 3 years old, who’s so cute but annoying at the same time. Woytek is a common Polish name (i guess). 3 of my 6 weeks, this little boy used to say “Idz” means “Go Away!”, “Nie” means “No!”, and “Ja Sama” means “I’ll do it by myself” to me, every […]

Will it Matter in 5 Years?

Yak! Sekarang ini seharusnya aku bikin membership fuzzy pake CMEX, atau nge-laprak, atau ngerjain proposal PKM atau tidur karena besok kelas jam 8 pagi. Tapi kesini instead. Itu Matlab sama sublime text mau di minimize sampe kapan ken? “Udah bulan apa ini, masi aja bingung” – Pak Feri. Coba aja bikin membership fuzzy segampang bikin membership indomaret […]

Bukan Kisah Inspiratif

Memalingkan otak ku dari jurnal-jurnal yang harus di review, meng-close tab dari IEEE Xplore, aku memikirkan sesuatu dan… Ketika aku baru saja mengetik satu dua kalimat yang menurut ku penting untuk ditulis, aku teringat sesuatu yang lain lagi. (What an important thing ya ken) Ketika itu, senja. Aku berjalan sejauh 300m menuju kosan tempat aku […]

I Guess.. We’ve Made it!

HIIIIIIIII! YOOO WHAZZUP GUUUUYS! The weekend is already overrrrr… It’s time to go back to your routine and it’s time to make money (if you’re lucky) or it’s time to move your ass to your class and continue daydreaming on your seat while your professor is trying to explain something he’d learned. Yay! Finally, I […]


Vegetarian adalah sebutan bagi orang yang mengkonsumsi plant based food dan tidak mengkonsumsi makanan yang berasal dari sesuatu yang berjalan, melompat, berenang, melata, bermata, bernafas, dan punya ayah dan ibu (-Terry Mason, MD). Tapi, masih mungkin untuk mengkonsumsi susu, telur, keju, dan lainnya. I know you guys smart enough to know what vegetarian is. Well, […]

Google Knows

Well, since couple months ago, I decided to set my active accounts, real private. I used to share every single thing publically. I shared my private email address, phone number, even I uploaded my CV on my blog. It’s a CV. My personal data is written there. What for? I have no idea why I put […]