Baksos XII IPA 5 – 2010 : goes to Orphanage

Our agenda in order to enhanced the charity in Ramadhan. InshaaAllah berkah. And Alhamdulillah

Motion day

Yesterday was Motion day. Motion is a kind of Ramadhan program from our school (Cendana SHS). There were some kinds of competition. Like fashion show interclass, band performance interschool (Cendana, Mutiara, SMAN 1 and SMAN 3) and miniature of mosque interclass. That event started from 2.00 PM and I, Putri and Nadia went to WDC (Widuri Club) about at 4.00 PM. Acong went by herself (maybe with other friends) and Mami (maybe) went with his boy. Arrived in WDC parking lot, Nadia shouted,”Aaaaa.. I forgot bring my ticket!!” Oalaah and then we came back to Nadia house. Fortunately, Nadia’s house is not so far from WDC.

Then, We ran to backstage to met Acong to gave her an Al-Qur’an. About a minute latter, the MC shouted,”XII IPA 5…” waaaaaw.. that was close.

Then we ran again to our other classmate. and watced Amoy and Acong. Amoy and Acong was GREAT that night. Red and White theme because Indonesian Independence day is about 3 days more. But, still wearing a Ramadhan theme. So, Beside Red and White, The models must use kinda spacious and mm.. such a moslem clothes.

After that, we saw an empty seat at the back and of course we ran to get the seat. hahaha.. Now, Habiburrahman El Shirazy turn to gave a speech. Then, Mutiara SHS performed. They covered Ramadhan Datang by Tompi. Continued with Cendana SHS performed.

An hour more for break a fast, we thought that we must ordered some food to eat. Then I, Acong, Putri and Nadia went to RCC to ordered some food and drink. I didn’t count how much time we waited. Then we came back to WDC to break a fast and Maghrib together. Then the time that all people waited for is came. The winner announcement.

Start from performer. 3rd placed is SMAN 1, 2nd placed is Cendana shs and 1st placed is Mutiara shs
Then Fashion show. 3rd placed is XI IPA 2.
MC :at the 2nd placed is…
Us : IPA
Us : (the class that we imagined to be the winner)
ngik! We shouted. AAAAAAAAAA…
we never ever imagine that.

Acong walked to the stage. And from far away, Amoy walked to the stage too.. After the teacher gave them an appreciation and an envelope and then took a picture, Amoy went to left side where XII IPA 5 gather and Acong went to Right side where I, Nadia and Putri sat. Then We walked to left side to met XII IPA 5.. We shouted, laughed, hugged and jumped. This is really unbelievable. On Friday suddenly Acong said,”Kalau gak ada yang mauuu.. yaudahlah, aku aja lah kalau gitu..” On Saturday Amoy and Acong performed. And got second place. You both were A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
On the way home, mm… i mean everybody went home but not for us. We haven’t touch our food yet. And we searched a place that we can used to eat together. The place was a streetball near WDC. The center of streetball from 7.30 PM till 8.00 PM. None of us finished our food. Included Nadia :p. we were laught cause of many things. After that, we were wondered what place that we can visit. Because that nite was satur-nite.
The destination was kinda food station (?) that i can’t remember the name around Mawar street until 9.00 PM. There was Enn, Toeng, Gilang, Dicky, Md, Pretty and her sister.
On the way, me with Acong (Nadia with Putri) just talked that how impossible that our class won. Hahaha.. We didn’t mean that Amoy and Acong look so bad. But, yaa as we all know lah –“

One Day at a Time

Hari kamis ada ulangan fisika dan hari jumat ulangan kimia. Dan dua duanya saya saya memutuskan untuk duduk di barisan paling belakang. Dan dua duanya pula saya disuruh untuk maju ke barisan paling depan. Yang fisika sih nggak terlalu takut. Soalnya semalamnya udah belajar mati-matian. Tiba yang kimia gezzzzzz… Mau belajar mati-matian juga rasanya gak bakalan bisa masuk ke otak (Rasanya ya.. tapi belum pernah aku coba). Disuruh pula duduk di barisan paling depan. Nggak sekedar di depan doang. Disamping si gurunyaaaa :(((((((((

Apa yang saya lakukan? Ya diam diam aja lah. Nulis. Pura-pura nyari jawaban. Padahal cuma buat nomor, terus tulis apa yang diketahui di soal. terus ya lanjut ke nomor berikutnya. Dan setelah itu gambar-hapus-gambar-hapus. Biar dikira ngerjain. Tapi ada yang aku lupa, make kalkulator heheheheeee.
terus pak gurunya ngomong:
Guru : Niken, kamu kok tidak pakai kalkulator nak?
Niken : ….
Guru : Gak ada kalkulator?
Niken : Ada pak..
Guru : Ya, trus.. kok gak di pake?
Niken : Ha.. iya pak (sambil sok sok nulis sambil dalam hati ngomong,”ngapain coba make kalkulator paaak. orang ga tau yg mana mesti dibagi, dikali, dikurang, ditambah -_-)
habis itu bapaknya bilang gini kesatu kelas
“Nak, bapak nggak akan ngasih nilai ya kalau kalian cuma buat diketnya aja.. KECUALI kalian udah ada buat rumusnya.. setidaknya dapat tu setengah”
Hehehe kenak cemeeh kita. Tapi ya habis gimana pak. Mau ujian open book sekalian pak, ndak kan bisa saya ngerjain soal ni pak. Rumus mana yang mau dipake aja ndak tau saya pak, inisial inisialnya juga saya ndak ngerti pak, apalagi tabel periodik tu pak. Teman-teman udah hafal, lah saya ndak ngerti gimana cara orangnya bisa hafalin itu pak. Buta saya pak butaaaaaa. Ampun saya paaak, ndak lulus UN kayaknya ni pak.
Kapaaaaan lah ya pelajaran kimia menjadi pelajaran favorit saya paak.