
Hi girls, do you remember? We had so many memories together. Do you remember when we spent several nights together. We got together in Mami’s house for doing homework or study? We started from 7 PM. An hour for studied. After that, we did something fun until one of our parents called to come home. We went to brasserie near Mami’s house for dinner and then we’re just talked about people, hot news at that time, or just our future plan. Do you remember when we’re met our headmaster there? Hahahahaha.. We didn’t know what supposed to do. In addition, we watched some TV dramas, laugh, chat or just running around (?) sometimes I wanna repeat the time :’) There was a time, You ask me a question that i had ever imagine. Questions that I never want to ask.
Do you remember when we were absent in citizenship class only for unimportant “traveling”? like going to Commissary and then back to school when physics class. Its 21 january 2010. I remember it because the previous day was my birthday and my bag still have an egg scent. hahaha.. I didn’t wash my bag purposefully. because i want you all smelt a rancid aroma when you walked with me.
Do you remember when we bought our own food from home and ate it at behind of Indonesian class. We ate together. Exchanged food each other. Acong like to brought a fried rice, Nadia like to brought a cereal and Mami like to brought a bread. And Putri? Putri wasn’t with us at that time yet. And me? mmm… i don’t know..
I remember when Mami, Putri and me went to Rumbai with Mami’s parents by Mami’s car. At first my dad didn’t let me join them. That’s okay.. i knew that my parents wont let me join them. Suddenly at the morning, Mami called me:
Mami : Keeeeen… ikutlaaahh.. putri dia ikuut
Niken : aku mau miiiii.. tapi ga dibolehin :'(
Mami : atau gak gini, panggil papa kw lah, biar mama aku yang ngomong
Niken : eeehh.. percumaaa.. gakan dibolehin bagai doooo
Mami : cepat laaaaahh…
Niken : papa aku lagi pergi….
Mami : eeeh.. cepat lah ken.. santai laaah…
Suddenly my daddy like an angel showed up. then i called him and ask him to pick up that phone.
Blah blah blah and blah.. at the last conversation, my daddy said,
“Okelah kalau begitu.. Waalaikum salam”
Heard that, i’m congratulated in my mind. pretended didn’t hear anything, ask him
Niken : Gimana pa?
Papa : Yaudah lah.. pergilah..
Niken : IYAAAA???
Papa : Ya, cepat lah.. dia mau berangkat lagi
HAHAHAHAHA… ampoenzz dah cenengnyaaaah..
we were there for 2 days 1 night. Not Rumbai made me excited. With them made me excited ;’)
Do you remember when Parkit 2010? parkit really made us and our class so busy. started after school untill night. it’s happened about a week. Then, at the H day, we were came to school so early. Becaus we need to decorate our stand. Then after all our job was done, we went to Kasuarina for breakfast. Its about 10 or 11 AM. We ordered MISO (maybe. idk).Do you remember, we met whom? i cant explain here. FYI, i remember this because you all really making me annoyed by crossing near that people 😐
Do you remember that almost every saturday we were going to Kasuarina? but, since acong started to decrease her weight (read:diet), we changed our destination in Saturday. Our new destination was Library (not school library) we read some magazine. Like ASRI.. hahhha.. Mami like to said this,”Ken, nantik buatin aku rumah kayak gini yaaa.. Gratis tapiii” hahahahaha… AMINNN.. But now, since we’re in XII grade we can’t do it anymore :'( because the school time is over at 1 PM 🙁
You know? there’s so many wonderful time we’ve got.
this post is dedication for my beloved friends; Acong, Nadia, Putri and Mami ;’) :*
Wish we wont forget each other WOI 😉

ps: hope you like it 🙂

Welcome Kelas XII

Kelas XII harusnya sih udah harus bisa berubah, dannn ya banyak sih yang harus diubah.
1. Dari yang biasanya nggak ada les, sekarang sibuk sibuk cari guru les 😐
2. Kalau dulu pas bimbel kelas IX sering bolos, sekarang harusnya ga bolos bolos lagi
3. Kalau dulu sebelum tidur cuci muka sama air, sekarang cuci muka sama soal.

4. Sekarang tidurnya harus cukup. Biar pas sekolah nggak kata ibuk Yeni,”Manguok”
5. Minup air putih yang banyak
Besok udah mulai bimbel zzzzzzz.. pulang jam 6. Well Goodluck Niken!